Monday, January 9, 2012

Birch Capillaries

Day 9/365 (1/9/2012)

Today I introduced to my 8th graders a 100-Photograph Project.  The idea is to choose an item, large or small, to photograph over at least 10 sessions and in no less than 3 weeks.  Once all the photographs are compiled, the best 100 are chosen to build into a portfolio.  The challenge is to figure out ways to photograph the item in different and unique styles, settings, angles, vantage points, lighting, etc.  I called it an exercise in creativity and problem-solving.   (NOTE: I can in no way take credit for this idea; I read about it somewhere.  Supposedly it's a pretty popular assignment with art students.)  It was fascinating to watch the kids get excited and immediately begin futzing with which item to choose.

I, too, was excited!  Which to choose, which to choose...  The front yard tree is what I settled on.   Already fairly highly photographed, I'm curious to see what I'll be able to come up with over time.  God, in all things I look to you.  Ideas?

Anyone else want to take the challenge???


  1. Interesting. I don't know how you come up with all the stuff to take pictures of for a whole year, much less find things to think about and comment on. You are truly a goddess my friend. Love you!

    1. Leannie!!! It appears you are "Unknown." That said, I think of this whole thing more like a journal. I'm trying to capture my year and all the things each day holds. I just bring my camera everywhere and figure out a way to capture in an image the things that happened that day.

      LOVE YOU, too!!


I'd love to hear your comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. Blessings to you!